So it is blatantly clear now that the recent cluster of bad weather is heavily correlated with Meniere's. Specifically the first few days of overcast and showers brought about a rather dull and low frequency drone in my head. Some what different to the high frequency screaming in my ear, this one is slightly more tolerable, albeit still no fun.
The day before, I managed to take my little girl for a power walk, carrying a 10kgs pack for the added exercise. Managed a bit of sweat but it really helped to be out there and getting the blood pumping. It was not enough to eliminate the low frequency drone though. I took a Vitamin D, just in case.
Yesterday, it hit again - but not too hard. I went out to the deck when the showers took a break, and started doing some high intensity exercises. In the middle of it, my vertigo was hitting pretty fast, but I was in the middle of the routine, and somehow managed to keep going despite being extremely tired and disorientated. Hanging around backwards doesn't help much. I kept focussing on objects a distance away when I can, and one eye closed to stop the disorientation. After training, it didn't feel good at all - I went for a bit of a nap after properly hydrating on fluids again. It was only maybe 30 minutes of rest but I got up without any signs of dizziness, and the constant hum in the ears were gone.
Very happy to I didn't end up in another episode of uncontrollable spewing and managed to get some power routines in. If I can keep this momentum up, I hope I can train my mind to rewire my balance away the ears and make use of my eyes instead. It's very unsettling, the constant anxiety, the feeling of wanting to throw up violently, but all in all - somehow managed pulled through. One step forward - baby steps - but dampness is really a killer to Meniere's.
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