Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Sugar, is that it?

Is it really just as simple as cutting sugar?

I mean, is it? I recently accidentally ingested some chorizo which usually would have driven me into a spiral. But I was spared, no attacks. 

I have been however sugar free for a month prior to this, and heavily modifying my diet to include heavy doses of natural yoghurt made with Lactobacillus Rhamnosus which is supposed to be protective of the liver against NAFLD. The idea, as discussed previously was to remove any signs of candida, heal gut permeability and recover from NAFLD. 

Has this worked? 

Honestly, it may have, but I am too afraid to try ingesting some flavour enhancers to really test it out, as the consequences are so intense. I'll wonder I suppose, but I am a little optimistic that it might have helped.


  1. Funny enough, I found your blog by searching for "meniere's and heavy metals". However just this past month I think I finally discovered what I think is the root cause behind my meniere's: candida. I don't really have many typical symptoms of candida otherwise, but even still I'm pretty sure this is what it is. I cut out sugar 2 weeks ago, and have felt SO much better. Prior to that I was off of gluten and dairy for months, and that helped some, but when I went off all sugars I noticed a huge change. So no I am doing a candida detox diet, and will probably remain on this for many months to see if it can get rid of the candida (fungal infection) in my inner ear. It makes sense why so many meniere's sufferers say their symptoms go into remission when they take anti-fungals! And also why the majority of Meniere's patients have blood sugar issues of diabetes. Anyway, I hope it's candida for you as well and that removing sugar becomes life changing for you. I'm working with a naturopath to heal candida at the root, maybe you can try the same? Good luck!

  2. Hi Christine, thanks for your comment and I am glad you found Candida to be your root cause I've went sugar free for a month and now have introduced a tiny portion of sugar back into my diet, it's now been 3 months. About 5% the sugar I used to consume, maybe even less than that. That is, no more spreads in the morning, nothing sugary for snacks, so much so, the jam jar glasses have stopped recycling into drinking cups :P But seriously, I'm left now with just the tinnitus, I guess that's just from the damage to ear as a result, hopefully it isn't permanent, but I fear it might be.

    Part of any healing regime, I have a strong belief that if candida was to blame, we would need to address the imbalance of microbiome in the gut, inevitable result I guess, so please remember to look into rebalancing gut bacteria, and finally, I wish you all the best outcome and resolve with your healing and also your naturopath. Please share with us your recovery story when you are completely Meniere's free, I'd love to hear your full recovery :) All the best.
